Cammick breaks collarbone in traffic accident

Edda Cammick broke her collarbone yesterday in a Pickens County traffic accident. Other than the broken bone, the former Oconee County councilwoman says she is fine and was allowed to leave the hospital after a few hours, with an arm in a sling. The accident occurred in Pickens County, as Cammick was driving her pickup truck on the way to a horse show at the Garrison Arena. Cammick told 101.7/WGOG NEWS: “I slammed my brake and swerved to avoid hitting a big black bird like a buzzard or something in the middle of the road. My pickup hit a berm instead and flipped.” Passersby stopped to help, and Cammick is grateful to them as well as to state troopers, fire, EMS, Oconee hospital staff and doctors. She says they were wonderful.