Bill collectors at City Hall, at times, have difficult job

Today’s bill collectors at the counter at Walhalla City Hall, at times, have a difficult and thankless job. If someone can’t meet his or her monthly obligation, tempers can flare. Councilman David Underwood requests water customers to be considerate and remember that the policies the City Hall counter staff enforces were made by the city’s elected officials. Underwood says the new audio-visual system in the City Hall lobby has a dual purpose. It creates a record of what’s said between those on both sides of the counter. Some of Walhalla’s water policies are under challenge and are subject to change. The councilman says anyone who has a complaint that can’t be satisfied with the counter staff has the option to voice that complaint to either Brent Taylor, the city administrator, or Scott Parris, the utilities director. If a complaint can’t be resolved by the supervisors, it may be sent to the city’s utilities committee for a hearing.