Better educated cop in South Carolina’s future

A new path to be a South Carolina law enforcement officer is being chartered with the announcement to move to a statewide law enforcement certificate for its future policemen.  And the state’s technical colleges will have a direct role in educating future policemen; and the state’s criminal justice academy will continue its role of training officers.  Dr. Galen DeHay, president of Tri-County Technical College, took part in today’s statewide announcement and made note that studies show a college-taught police officer is a better officer.  Applicants for law enforcement jobs will be required to enroll at a technical college, for which scholarships are offered through the state’s lottery assistance program and the South Carolina “WIN” scholarship.  “Our state’s technical colleges are in a very unique position to help law enforcement acquire these skills that they need to be effective in their roles and to build trust with their communities, for those that they are sworn to protect and serve,” said DeHay.