Barbs traded in the District Two race

Two Matthew Durham supporters for Seat Two, Oconee County Council are suggesting that Durham’s opponent, Josh Roberts, should he win, will face ethical challenges.  Roberts doesn’t believe that will be the case.  As explained by Wayne McCall, the current councilman, Roberts could run up against what’s called the “Master-Servant” relationship.  The candidate is a school teacher; his wife, an assistant principal.  Both McCall and a second Durham supporter, Walhalla Councilman David Underwood, believes the scenario could mean Roberts might have to recuse himself from votes when it comes to county money for the public schools.  And that, they believe, would mean the district will have lost its voice on matters of school finance.  Roberts, however, says what McCall and Underwood raise amount to dirty politics, and he is confident he will be able to cast those votes–after researching SC Attorney’s General opinions and a conversation he had with the office of the state Ethics Commission.