Oconee test results something to take pride in

The 1050 average score by Oconee seniors who took the SAT for 2019-20 tops both the state and national averages by 20 and 30 points.  Dr. Thorsland, district superintendent, says, “We are excited.”  Oconee’s results were the 7th highest average total score among South Carolina districts.  The scholastic aptitude test consists of math and evidence-based reading and writing.  Optional for […]

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Clemson candidate forums via Zoom

The League of Women Voters will be busy in early October, conducting three Clemson political forums in advance of the November General Election.  All will be carried by Zoom technology, and those interested should be alert for additional information as the dates for the forums draw near.  On the evening of October 1, the first forum will feature the three […]

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New COVID cases within Oconee School District

Tamassee-Salem Elementary School has detected its first case of COVID-19.  It’s a student about whom the county district states has not been in school since the 28th of August.  Other confirmed cases of the virus afflict a Seneca Middle School student, a Walhalla High School employee, and a Seneca Middle School employee.  The Seneca Middle School worker has not been […]

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The governor vents his frustration

Governor McMaster concedes he’s unhappy, and he thinks many others in South Carolina are unhappy about the preponderance of county public school districts that have not re-opened their classroom buildings.  He said yesterday that this is causing problems for parents.  During a news briefing, McMaster announced that, if the legislature agrees, he’s going to assign first priority to millions of […]

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It’s your duty to respond to the Census

Sheriff Mike Crenshaw reminds Oconeeans that field workers representing the U-S Census continue their work in Oconee County, and he urges everyone who has not done so to cooperate in a simple and brief interview.  Field staff workers can be identified by their photo identification and by one or more of the following identifiers:  a laptop computer with a Census […]

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The buzz is about a vacine

Late yesterday afternoon at the state capital talk centered on an eventual vaccine to protect against COVID.  The setting was a news briefing led by Governor McMaster which included remarks by two top DHEC officials.  They referred to news accounts that have cast an optimistic outlook for anyone or all of three different vaccines.  But, in the meantime, they stress […]

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Thursday’s South Carolina COVID report

Today, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced 264 new confirmed cases and  24 additional confirmed deaths from COVID-19.   For a second straight day, Oconee County reported no new cases.  However, there was an additional documented death of an Oconee County resident who died on Tuesday. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 124,397, […]

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