“We want to make downtown awesome” — architect

An architect on behalf of a two-member team from the state municipal association helped rev up a crowd of interested Walhallans into imagining the future for the city’s downtown business district.  Randy Wilson has been in Walhalla only three days, but he’s sold on many of the assets that lie within the core commercial district.  He and his colleague Jenny […]

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FedEx truck wrecks near Walhalla

No injuries are reported this afternoon in an accident involving a FedEx truck north of Walhalla.  The accident scene was the Austin Edwards Road where, according to a public safety responder, the small box-type truck left the roadway and hit trees.  The state patrol logged the accident around the 1 o’clock hour.

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Vaccine shortage impedes northeast Georgia inoculations

Prisma Health of South Carolina, along with the public health department serving northeast Georgia, and the state of New Jersey, among others, share a common distinction.  Their providers of COVID-19 vaccines have exhausted their supplies or are running dangerously low.  Georgia’s District Two Public has stopped making appointments for the time being.  Toccoa Radio WNEG quotes the department spokesman as […]

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Updated message from Rosa Clark

A new announcement this morning from the Rosa Clark Medical Clinic at Seneca.  Rosa Clark was unable today to register as a third party provider.  What that means, according to Rosa Clark’s Vicki Thompson, is that the clinic will NOT have to create emails for anyone or send them links to the site.  “Staff will be able to register them […]

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Murder defendant wants new attorney

A man awaiting trial in Oconee County on the charge of murder wants new representation.  Deputy Solicitor Lindsey Simmons said yesterday that defendant Decota Brown wants a new lawyer.  He’s charged with killing his grandmother, Geraldine Castle, in a Seneca home in March 2019.  But the trial is in an indefinite delay as the chief justice, influenced by spiking COVID […]

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Rainy and thundering night

Electric power outages are reported in Oconee County during a night of rain and thunder.  Lightning hit a tree in Walhalla and a bolt from that lightning penetrated a home on E. Mauldin Street.  No one was hurt.  A motor vehicle accident led to one outage early yesterday afternoon near Salem.  The Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative reported more than 440 […]

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