Group urges men to lead against female violence

A small gathering yesterday at the Seneca Library heard an outline of a group that urges men to take the lead in dealing with the issue of violence against women.  The presenter was Julie Meredith of the Safe Harbor, which operates domestic violence shelters in four Upstate counties.  According to crime numbers, one in three women will be victims of […]

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Two Easley residents arrested

The police in Seneca have arrested two Easley residents as the result of an incident last week that involved a parked vehicle behind an office complex at 123 and SC 130. Announcement by Chief John Covington says multiple charges have been placed against Wayne E. Drost and Christine S. Head.  The police say they found Drost and Head nearby at […]

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Rally in front of the Courthouse

A small rally is reported to have taken place around mid day today at the Oconee Courthouse by sympathizers of Zachary Hammond.  A law enforcement source told 101.7/WGOG NEWS the rally was put together by the group “Put Down The Guns Now Young People Organization.”  Apparently those who rallied called for Solicitor Chrissy Adams to disqualifty herself from the case, […]

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Science of fruit growing displayed at Oconee farm

South Carolina peach growers could extend the life of trees infected by root disease by using a new planting technique.  That technique is on display at Clemson University’s Musser Fruit Research Center near Seneca.  By planting trees in shallow engineered berms with the top parts of the roots exposed above ground, plant pathologist Guido Schnabel says growers can prevent the […]

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Brandt optmistic for settlement

  The commissioners of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority took no action after their private meeting Monday to consider what to do about money they say is due them from Oconee County government.  But Larry Brandt, the JRSA attorney, said he went into the meeting seeking guidance, and he believes he received it.  Brandt says he is going to […]

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Clemson President to speak at Westminster

James Clements who became the 15th president in the history of Clemson University will visit Westminster next month to keynote the annual Rotary Club luncheon.  The Friday, September 11 luncheon is a hallmark event of Apple Festival Week, which brings thousands of visitors to the city and to the apple-growing sections of Holly Springs and Long Creek.  101.7/WGOG NEWS has […]

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Westminster open for business

Like many towns nationwide, Westminster has its share of empty storefronts.  But the city is attempting to lure new business by capitalizing on its location convenient to the many recreation opportunities offered by the Wild and Scenic Chattooga River.  City Administrator Jeff Lord yesterday attended a Greenville event where he tried to interest recreation business-types to consider Westminster.  “The recruiting […]

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Council moves to quell intense controversy

After repeated calls by members of the public, Westminster city leaders removed the fee for temporary and event signs.  The action came during council’s August meeting.  In recent months, Westminster residents have complained that the city was being unfair by charging a $50 dollar fee and confiscating what constituted illegal signs.  But City Administrator Jeff Lord says Westminster’s sign standards […]

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Streetscape work weather-related

Work crews hope to pour concrete today for the new “tip island” at Walhalla’s Main and S. College, but this week’s intervals of showers could be a factor.  How much concrete gets poured there will be limited, according to contractor Danny Hutchinson, because his crews are waiting for both Duke Energy and AT & T to bury lines.  The cost […]

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