Adult exploitation case near Seneca

Oconee Sheriff’s Office has arrested a 34-year old woman near Seneca on charges of exploitation of a vulnerable adult. Arrest warrants against Ashley Ann Taylor allege incidents in and starting in December 2018 in which Taylor acted as caregiver for a man on Utica’s Gammell Street. The affidavit to one warrant states, “The defendant did, on or about 12-4-18, as a caregiver to a vulnerable adult, fail to provide the care, goods, or services necessary to maintain the health and safety of Orin Jack Miller by failing to provide him with his medications, not providing sanitary conditions and by threatening to shoot him with a gun….” According to the affidavit in the second warrant, “The defendant did, between 12-10-18 and 2-22-19, knowingly, intentionally and willfully exploit Orin Jack Miller, a vulnerable adult, by improperly, unlawfully and without authority transfer monetary funds from his account to her own account while he was in the custody of the SC Department of Social Services and after being told not to do so by DSS….”