Addiction help available in prison

Oconee court officers are hopeful that two men with serious drug habits can get help through an addiction facility within the state’s prisons. Meantime, both Junior Michael Dickert and Reginald Leon Holden have been ordered to serve prison terms. For Dickert, it’s a term of seven years for having pleaded guilty today to possession of methamphetamine third offense. Deputy Solicitor Simmons told Judge Sprouse that in Dickert’s latest arrest, he was caught with a needle in the public bathroom of a Bountyland convenience store. The judge was told that 38-year old Holden started on drugs at age 13 and was most recently arrested under the influence of heroin when he used a hammer to smash his way into Turner’s Jewelers and was arrested at the scene. Holden pleaded guilty to resisting arrest and burglary second degree violence and was ordered to serve a total of 10 years. Judge Sprouse says the prison system’s addiction services work for some people and not for others. Court officers believe it’s the best hope for both Dickert and Holden to break their addictions, and both indicated they’re hopeful, also.