Draft sewer study presented

The draft of a planning study is in the hands of Oconee’s sewer commissioners and, once the final copy is printed, it will fall to the Joint Regional Sewer Authority policymakers to act.  And, as explained by Angie Mettlen of the WK Dickson Company, there are a variety of recommendations that can be followed.  Perhaps the farthest reaching is a re-structure of how Oconee sewer policy is made – by eliminating the nine-member municipal-dominated board of commissioners into a five-member board.  That would do away with weighted-voting and devolve onto the new commission equal voting authority to all five members.  In a five-member board the county’s three largest municipalities would each have one representative.  Oconee County would have one member.  A fifth member would be an appointee of the county’s state delegation.  After the presentation, 101.7/WGOG NEWS asked Scott Moulder, sewer commissioner, if he believes a re-structured board of governance would be fair to his city.  His reply is being aired today on 101.7/WGOG NEWS.