The plaintiffs rest and the defense makes a motion

The testimony of a Ratliff family member has ended the plaintiff’s case in day three of a trial to determine the status of a dead-end Oconee road.  Specifically, whether the Ellenburg Road qualifies as a road abandoned by common law.  That’s because testimony so far suggests the lawful process to  abandon the road to county maintenance was never accomplished.  Once the plaintiff side wrapped up its witnesses with the testimony of Jay Ratliff Jr., defendant lawyer Andrew Holliday argued a motion for a directed verdict for his side.  Judge McIntosh took the motion under advisement – but not before he admonished both sides, saying, “This case should have been done days ago.”  The judge looked at the clock that read 1:15 pm on a Friday afternoon and adjourned the trial for a one-hour lunch break, after which the trial will resume.