Oconee’s primary election results certified

The results of primary election day voting in Oconee are now certified, by action this morning of the county board of canvassers.  This, after the board added a total of 13 votes to Tuesday’s unofficial count – both failsafe and provisional ballots.  Kristi Burr, county elections director, recommended the 13 additional ballots be considered after an evaluation of the circumstances presented at various polling locations on Tuesday.  Much attention at this morning’s meeting centered on whether the re-considered ballots would take the winning margin of State House District Two winner Adam Duncan below 1% and kick in the requirement for a mandatory recount.  The final percentage, as explained by Burr, leveled out at 1.2% — which is above what it would take for a mandatory recount to take place.  So, it means that Adam Duncan, the political newcomer, is the certified winner.  However, there’s some thought that the incumbent, Bill Sandifer, might request the state Election Commission to order a recount.  The state election officials are to meet tomorrow to certify the primary election results from across the state.