SRO only for the Walhalla United meeting

Walhalla United is described as a platform for sharing information about events and initiatives within the city of Walhalla.  And as the chamber of commerce director and others put it last night it’s about connectivity.  Standing-room-only was the crowd inside the community meeting room of the Center for the Performing Arts as the chamber’s Dari McBride convened the second meeting in a year of Walhalla United.  At the outset, she dispelled the notion that Walhalla United is not another organization.  Rather, she explained, it seeks to bring together groups and organization for Walhalla’s betterment.  The city’s first-year mayor, Tim Hall, was the first to be called to the lectern and he made clear that, regardless of several progressive steps recently, the city has no intention of trying to duplicate Highlands, North Carolina.  Walhalla, says Hall, has its own uniqueness.  The mayor was followed by others representing organizations that contribute to the city’s quality of life.  The audience heard from Ken Sloan of Visit Oconee, city administrator Celia Myers, Mark Thompson of the Center for the Performing Arts, Janet Smalley of Partners for Progress, and David Hyatt of the Rotary Club.