Undermanned county department engenders understanding

In a county experiencing a building boom, Oconee’s codes department is described severely under-manned, for which appreciation and understanding were given during last night’s county council meeting.  Home builder Chuck Pinion was complimentary of the codes department employees considering their busy work schedule, but he brought to the attention of last night’s meeting that delays in getting the codes department completing field inspections delay the required sign-off before a home buyer is able to occupy his new home.  Amanda Brock, county administrator, addressed Pinion’s concerns by describing the enormous number of building permit applications that flood to the office and are left to three remaining county inspectors.  She said the county will attempt to resolve the salary discrepancies in various county departments that “are hemorrhaging employees, specifically departments with “boots on the ground employees.”  Brock thanked Pinion for his kind words about the professionalism shown by the over-worked inspectors.