This year’s valedictorians and salutatorians

This year’s graduating class representing the three high schools of Oconee County numbers 694 seniors.  They are to be graduated in separate ceremonies Saturday morning at Seneca High School, Walhalla High School, and West-Oak High School.  This year’s valedictorians are Logan Christopher Dover of Seneca High, son of Bobby and Faith Dover; Emily Grace Moore of Walhalla High,  daughter of Christie and David Moore; and Andrew Michael Morgan of West-Oak High, son of Michael and Barbara Morgan.  The salutatorians are Angie Diaz-Hernandez of Seneca High, daughter of Mauro Diaz and Lidia Hernandez; Joshua William Shannon of Walhalla High, son of Julie-Ann and Doug Shannon; and Mckenzie Rose O’Kelley of West-Oak High, daughter of Brian and Jesse O’Kelley.