390 new cases, one death

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Sunday announced 390 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 1 additional death. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 14,286 and those who have died to 546. The death occurred in an elderly individual from Darlington County.The number of new cases by county are listed below.

Abbeville (2), Aiken (1), Anderson (8), Bamberg (4), Beaufort (9), Berkeley (10), Calhoun (1), Charleston (36), Cherokee (3), Chester (3), Chesterfield (5), Clarendon (1), Colleton (11), Darlington (2), Dillon (3), Dorchester (8), Edgefield (1), Florence (10), Georgetown (5), Greenville (57), Hampton (1), Horry (47), Jasper (1), Kershaw (6), Lancaster (4), Laurens (1), Lee (2), Lexington (29), Marion (5), Marlboro (4), Newberry (3), Oconee (1), Orangeburg (7), Pickens (7), Richland (31), Saluda (1), Spartanburg (38), Sumter (14), York (8)  By Saturday, a total of 246,331 tests have been conducted in the state (by both DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory and private labs). DHEC’s Public Health Laboratory is operating extended hours and is testing specimens seven days a week. The Public Health Laboratory’s current timeframe for providing results to health care providers is 24-48 hours. Find a mobile testing clinic event near you at scdhec.gov/covid19mobileclinics. There also are 168 permanent testing locations at health care facilities throughout the state. These testing sites can be found at scdhec.gov/covid19testing.  As South Carolina increases testing, there will likely be more laboratory-confirmed cases. The total number of individuals tested Saturday statewide was 4,485 and the percent positive was 8.7%. When the percent positive is low, it may indicate that more widespread testing is being performed and the percent positive may more accurately reflect how much disease is present in the community.

Hospital Bed Occupancy
By Sunday morning, 3,472 inpatient hospital beds were available and 6,927 were in use, a 66.61% statewide hospital bed utilization rate. Of the 6,927 inpatient beds currently used, 477 are occupied by patients who have either tested positive or are under investigation for COVID-19.

How South Carolinians Can Stop the Spread
Evidence is increasing about the high rates of infection in people who do not have symptoms and don’t know they are infectious. This places everyone at risk of getting the virus or unknowingly transmitting it to someone else. Steps we can take to protect ourselves and others include:

Practicing social distancing
Wearing a mask in public
Avoiding group gatherings
Regularly washing your hands
Staying home if sick