Visioning Walhalla between now and 2045

Walhalla is making plans to update its Comprehensive Plan and establish a
vision for Walhalla 2045.
A comprehensive plan is a “living” planning document for the City of Walhalla, guiding local decision
makers on the City’s long-range strategic direction, including programs, policies and projects within City
limits. SC State law requires that the plan be updated every ten years, with a review every five years. The
required reviews and updates help to ensure that the information contained within the plan remains
current and the plan’s direction aligns with community’s vision and goals. The City has a variety
of community engagement opportunities planned through October 2023 to guide the vision and
plan’s development. Residents, business/property owners and visitors of Walhalla are encourage to
participate in one or all of the planned events.
The City will host four open houses that will offer a variety of ways the public can share their thoughts and
ideas for the next twenty years. Open houses will be drop-in style events and include listening
sessions, idea walls, visual preference boards, surveys and more. Each open house will offer the same
opportunities. All members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend. Care was taken to
ensure a variety of days and times were selected to maximize participation, including a Saturday,
evening, afternoon and morning opportunity. There will be children’s activities available for the two open
houses where school will not be in session.
Additionally, the City will host six focus group meetings that will focus on specific, required
elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Focus groups are open to the public, but are specifically targeted
for stakeholders that are actively serving in the areas discussed. Meetings will be round table style
focusing on strengths, challenges, needs and opportunities for specific topics.
The City will also offer surveys (online and in paper form) in both English and Spanish. Additionally, the
City will post a unique question on “Walhalla Wednesdays” (July through October) through social
media to encourage continuous engagement. Finally, pop-up events will offer one or more input
gathering methods and appear sporadically throughout the Summer and Fall, including at Independence
Fest and Oktoberfest.
To stay up to date on the plan’s development and additional oppo