Two prospective businesses to get Seneca incentives

Two business people who plan to open new businesses on opposite sides of a downtown Seneca intersection are getting a financial boost from city government. The city Improvements Corporation this morning approved incentives to both Mary Tannery and Alex Butterbaugh. To help turn 114 N. Walnut into a new commercial/residential business, Tannery will receive $60 thousand worth of building improvement money. Scott Moulder, city administrator, told the Improvement Corporations meeting that Tannery plans to attract a restaurant downstairs and convert the upstairs to residential. For Alex Butterbaugh’s plans to open Keowee Brewing Company on an opposite corner of N. Walnut and E. Main, the city will set aside some $78 thousand for building improvements. The city has a pool of $200 thousand, and both Tannery and Butterbaugh are the first applicants to qualify for the assistance.