Today’s South Carolina (and Oconee) COVID-19 numbers

As first announced Nov. 21, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) will not report daily COVID-19 numbers on New Year’s Day. Data that would be reported January 1 will be available online the following day.

Additionally, while DHEC will continue to provide daily COVID-19 updates on the agency’s webpage, beginning Jan. 2, 2021, the same information that’s provided at will no longer be reported out in a duplicative news release. DHEC will publicly announce on its social media platforms when the webpage was been updated with new COVID-19 data for the day. The exact same information that has been presented in daily news releases is available on the main COVID-19 webpage that will continue to be updated each day.

DHEC will continue to issue news releases announcing new and important information about the state’s COVID-19 response and will continue to keep South Carolinians updated on the most current and factual information. For the latest information regarding COVID-19 vaccine,

South Carolina Daily COVID-19 Update (December 31, 2020)
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced the following COVID-19 updates.

Today’s cases and deaths (

New confirmed/probable total cases: 3,234/150
New confirmed/probable total deaths: 39/8

Of new cases, 49 are from Oconee.  Of the new deaths, one is an alederly Oconeean who died December 27.
10,369  new individual test results reported statewide (not including antibody tests)
31.2%  percent positive