State police asked to investigate Oconee’s coroner

Oconee Sheriff Mike Crenshaw has confirmed that he has made a request of the state police for an inquiry into county Coroner Karl Addis, based on information that came to his attention that Addis may have engaged in sexual activity with a female in the coroner’s office near the Oconee Memorial Hospital.  On the advice of the circuit solicitor, Crenshaw says he referred the matter to the state Law Enforcement Division for the purpose of having the state police conduct an investigation and report the findings to the office of 10th Solicitor David Wagner.  This afternoon Addis released this statement to 101.7/WGOG NEWS: In the recent past, I have made some personal decisions which have negatively impacted my family’s life.  My actions were entirely personal, and were not a reflection of the Oconee County Coroner’s Office. I am asking for the Citizens of Oconee County to pray for me and my family in the days and weeks ahead as we strive to heal our families. I have and will cooperate with any inquiry.”  Prior to the last election, Addis said that his current term would be his last.