Public beaches and boat ramps defaced by litter

“It has just become a total…horrible place.”  That’s the description that the president of “FOLKS”, Friends of Lake Keowee, gave this week to describe the litter that scars the beach and the boat ramps this summer at Fall Creek Landing near Salem.  Dale Wilde pressed the Oconee Planning Commission this week to jump start an effort for the county to take over management of Fall Creek Landing in a similar or identical way that the county operates the South Cove and High Falls Parks.  Wilde credits Duke Energy for attempting to rid Fall Creek of litter and she, herself, said she has spent much of the summer picking up litter there.  But overall, Wilde says, Fall Creek is not an attractive spot this summer.  She ascribes much of the problem to out of county but nearby people who, because of COVID-19, have cancelled long trips or vacations this year to stay closer to home.  And she blames many of them for, as she put it, “the beer cans, the diapers and trash.”