Political goings-on in Oconee

The two major political parties in Oconee County–the Democrats and the Republicans–are getting active as the calendar turns to the start of the 2020 political season.  Chairman Bill Jerome of the Oconee Republicans was pleased by a turnout of more than 35 people for a party meeting on Monday in Seneca.  Current officeholders who took part in the meeting were Senator Thomas Alexander, Sheriff Mike Crenshaw, Walhalla Councilman Dennis Owens, and Oconee County councilmen Paul Cain and Julian Davis.  In a year in which Republicans are rallying behind President Trump, Jerome says, “We are seeing significant growth in attendance at our monthly breakfasts, our women’s organization, and other party functions.”  Oconee Democrats will go into action during the month of March.  The Democrats’ county convention will take place Saturday, March 14 at the Seneca Gignilliat Community Center.