Momentum for mask law in Clemson

A committee concerned with Clemson’s economic vitality recommends the city council adopt an ordinance that will require mask or face coverings while out in public in that Pickens County municipality.  COVID-19 cases are surging in Clemson and Pickens County–25 new cases reported today in the county.  A mask ordinance is one of the agenda items for tomorrow’s special city council meeting.  Today the Clemson Economic Development Advisory Committee in a 45-minute meeting batted around what a mask law might entail and how it could effectively be enforced.  Committee members raised concerns about the potential for a crippling economic impact caused by the closing of some downtown businesses, balancing that concern with the need to protect everyone from further spread of the virus.  Everyone meaning business men and women and their customers.  One committee member said as some downtown bars close because of the positive test results by people who’ve frequented the bars, he believes some of the bar’s clientele find themselves gathering in groups in apartment complexes.  Gatherings such as those are frowned on by health authorities.