Let Westminster have peace, former city leader says

In order for trouble-plagued Westminster to move forward – and solve some of its problems—compromise is needed, according to a former city official who has reacted to the latest development, specifically the controversy about the mayor’s cabin. As a former member of the city commission that governed utilities, Rhett Smith knows a thing or two about the hot seat. Smith is an admirer of both Mayor Brian Ramey and some of the current city councilmen. “I don’t think anyone’s going to win until they sit down in a room somewhere and get it all worked out. Both parties are going to have to give to make this thing work…,” Smith said today. He acknowledges the city has its share of problems, but believes that if the leaders can put this (the impasse over the river cabin) behind them, they can attack the city’s problems one at a time. Smith says he senses Mayor Brian Ramey is down in spirits, but he’s hopeful the mayor will be able to withstand the criticism and continue in office.