Kenny Johns and others in lederhosen this year?

If COVID-19 numbers continue their slide, Walhalla’s big outdoor festival will likely return in 2021.  By the narrowest of margins, the Oktoberfest Committee put safety ahead of fun last year and cancelled last October’s event.  But Governor McMaster’s decision to give the state Commerce Department leeway in permitting gatherings of 250 and more has been received by the Walhalla Oktoberfest Committee and members are excited for the chance that the 2021 festival can take place on the traditional third weekend in October at Sertoma Field.  The three-day weekend usually attracts thousands to Sertoma, as well as comparable numbers to the downtown part of celebrating the city’s Germanic roots.  Kenny Johns is the new president for Oktoberfest and, if all goes well, look for the county’s probate judge to lay aside his black robe and put on lederhosen, the traditional Oktoberfest apparel H-shaped suspenders and leather shorts.