How many meetings is just the right number?

The Walhalla mayor and council members spent most of their October meeting in a discussion of just how many meetings a month is the proper number.  Councilman Josh Roberts threw out the idea of eliminating the regular first Tuesday meeting of the council in the form of committees, with the idea                               maintaining the third Tuesday as the regular monthly meeting and requiring the committees to meet quarterly or just four times a year in place of monthly meeting.  Roberts received sympathetic expressions from colleague Sarai Melendez and said much of what the council hears on the first Tuesday is regurgitated on the third Tuesday.  But Mayor Danny Edwards and Councilman Keith Pace disagreed.  They see monthly get togethers with the department heads as valuable time to learn what’s going in the various departments as well as the chance to ask questions of the appointed officials.  Edwards said without regular first Tuesday committee meeting, the process will slow down.