Hotel developers get new extension

The developers for converting the former Oconee Courthouse into a hotel have been given an extension, and its a month longer than that which they requested.  After discussing Tom Markovich’s letter requesting more time, the County Council last night gave him and his partner, Herb Witter, until November 30 to secure a commitment from state and federal agencies.  They had asked for an extension to the end of October.  But, on the advice of County Attorney David Root, the council chose a November 30 extension.  Root said it’s his opinion that Markovich’s projected timeline to close on acquiring the former courthouse property from the county was tight, considering he’s still dealing with both the National Park Service and the state Department of Archives and History.  Final approvals from those agencies are considered crucial to the developers hopes for an historic building designation and qualifying for tax credits to help pay for converting the 1956 building to a hotel.