Earle “torn” as to what council should do

A long time supporter of Oconee Memorial Hospital, Suzanne Earle, says she’s “torn” over what she thinks is the best course for County Council to take when the issue of refinancing hospital debt is expected to return for a new vote.  Earle said she realizes there are financial considerations connected to the new tax bill, but she fears the entire issue is being rushed and she would like to see those involved take more time.  Notwithstanding the issue of refinancing debt carried by both Greenville Health System and Palmetto Health, Earle said she favors written assurance that, regardless of the outcome, Oconee County will continue to have a hospital.  As a member of the former Oconee Memorial Hospital Association, Earle said she cast a no vote on dissolving the association, as part of the process that led to the Oconee hospital’s affiliation with GHS in 2014.