DHEC suspects fall surge of COVID-19

South Carolina DHEC is worried that data show COVID numbers continue to increase steadily in the Upstate that they could rise near or beyond previous spikes in the state.  The health agency cites Pickens and Greenville counties and other disease indicators that trend upward and warns that South Carolina could be entering a fall surge.  The uptick is considered not unique to the state as cases are climbing nationally and in other countries.  By the end of October, there were nearly 100 thousand cases reported in one day in the U-S.  The re-surgence could have profound impact on healthcare systems, the economy and school and university operations.  Public health experts call on South Carolinians to act now by re-dedicating themselves to the daily precautions that help prevent spread of the deadly virus. It’s also recommended that everyone six months and older get their flu shot. They think it could be the most important flu shot of your life.