DHEC addresses Clemson University COVID testing

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced 542 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, along with 10 additional confirmed deaths.  There were seven Oconee County cases reported.
This brings the total number of South Carolina confirmed cases to 142,449, probable cases to 4,006, confirmed deaths to 3,154, and 183 probable deaths.


After further review and discussions with Clemson University and Rymedi, the lab performing COVID-19 testing for Clemson since September 13, DHEC is clarifying its September 26 release regarding the university’s recent COVID-19 test results.

Since September 26, Rymedi began providing the university’s COVID-19 test results to DHEC. However, it wasn’t until today that Rymedi completed their reporting of 18,866 test results to DHEC, which includes 18,051 negative, 813 positive and two invalid results. These results cover a time frame of September 10-September 28. Today, these results will be uploaded into DHEC’s database and will be reflected in the DHEC online data tomorrow. These tests will be reflected in historical data based on the date the test result was reported to the health care provider and should have also been reported to DHEC.

Rymedi will report the university’s tests results to DHEC daily moving forward, and the lab will be able to report test results within the required 24 hour time frame.

The total number of individual test results reported to DHEC yesterday statewide was 6,635 (not including antibody tests) and the percent positive was 8.2%.