Cluster of COVID-19 Seneca school cases

Five Seneca High student COVID cases are on the school district’s virus tracking page for yesterday, And the Seneca High principal, Felicia LeRoy, says, “We have been working to identify the ‘center’ of the cluster so we can move any student to virtual learning who may have been exposed.”  The current outbreak at the high school has interrupted instruction and called off football games the next two weeks.  So far, one math and one P-E class have been diverted to distance learning, and LeRoy does not rule out the possibility that “another class or two” may have to move from in-class to at home learning.  Dr. Michael Thorsland, district superintendent, says an earlier outbreak at the Seneca Middle School was stopped when the 8th grade was moved to distance learning for 14 days, and he’s hopeful the high school will see the same success.