Veterans Assistance Center to open

A group of student veterans at Clemson is opening a center on campus to help other veterans navigate the transition from the battlefield to campus. The Student Veterans Association will cut the ribbon Friday to open the Student Veterans Success Center and GI Bill Help Desk in Barre Hall room 229. Michael Daduk, executive director of Student Veterans of America, […]

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50 jobs may not sound like a lot but….

A county adding 50 jobs over a year’s time may not sound like a whole lot. But, as Oconee’s Richard Blackwell sees it, it’s a whole lot better than the corresponding numbers that apply to Oconee’s Upstate neighbors. Blackwell, the county director of economic development, is calling attention to a legislative committee meeting yesterday in Columbia that disclosed Upstate counties […]

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Bruce Yandle’s state of the economy

Economist Bruce Yandle’s view is that the U-S economy is stumbling and slow, yet somewhat stronger. And the Dean Emeritus of Clemson ‘s College of Business and Behavorial Science sees optimistic signs that point to an expansion of the economy, from the depths it fell during the last recession. Those signs include the pickup trucks he sees pulling into Bountyland […]

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A promise from the Congressman

Out of fear that President Obama will issue an executive order on gun control, Congressman Jeff Duncan says, “I will use every means at my disposal to combat the agenda of the Executive branch to undermine our Second Amendment rights. I will also fight any legislative action that is taken to implement more gun control….”

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At Rotary today!

At today’s Seneca Rotary Club meeting, President Eric Cope presents a check to Larry Sechrest of Volunteers in Medical Missions on the project that Rotary sponsors this May in the Central American country of Honduras. Sechrest will make a presentation on the water filtration system to be installed, with Rotary’s help.

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At Rotary today!

As cases of domestic violence escalate across Oconee County, social workers are calling for a public discussion of the problem and the resources that are available to combat it. The United Way, in partnership with Safe Harbor, invites everyone to a 6 o’clock Thursday night, January 24 meeting at the United Way in downtown Seneca. Free childcare services will be […]

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Let’s talk about domestic violence

As cases of domestic violence escalate across Oconee County, social workers are calling for a public discussion of the problem and the resources that are available to combat it. The United Way, in partnership with Safe Harbor, invites everyone to a 6 o’clock Thursday night, January 24 meeting at the United Way in downtown Seneca. Free childcare services will be […]

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Outage lasted two to three hours

A spokeswoman for Duke Energy says the Tuesday night electric power outage that affected parts of Walhalla lasted two to three hours. Duke’s Sandra Magee says the culprit was a broken cross arm that affected a small circuit in the vicinity of the Walhalla Civic Auditorium. To make the repair, Duke crews had to take down the circuit two times, […]

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Plant appeals DHEC decision

The appeal by an Oconee industry of a sewer discharge change goes before the board of the state Department of Health and Environmental Control. At its Columbia meeting this morning, the board is to consider Greenfield Industries’ appeal of a DHEC staff decision applying stricter federal standards to the finished metals that Greenfield discharges into the collector system of the […]

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Sewer overflow in Clemson

For about two hours yesterday afternoon, sewer overflowed near Clemson’s 328 Woodland Way. The city of Clemson reports the overflow was about one thousand gallons or less due to a sewer main blocked by grease. A utilities crew responded, but the overflow reached an un-named creek. The creek passes through the vicinity of Woodland Way, Riggs Drive, Poole Lane, Strode […]

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