Next Duke-NRC meeting

The next Duke-NRC meeting about the electric utility’s failure so far to put in place enhanced measures to protect Oconee Nuclear from fire likely is to take place at Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. But you don’t have to travel there to follow what happens. The NRC’s Roger Hannah says there will be a telephone bridge for any […]

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Police Chief opposes gun control

Ronald Wilbanks wears a gun and a badge and stands as the number one law enforcement officer in Walhalla. But he opposes gun control. The Walhalla police chief said as much as Friday, while awaiting the start of Congressman Jeff Duncan’s Second Amendment listening tour at the Gun Shop on Main Street. Interviewed by 96.3/WGOG NEWS, Wilbanks said, “I don’t […]

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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road!

After evaluation, South Carolina DOT has decided against saving the North Seed Farm Road Bridge crossing the railroad on secondary 64 in the Clearmont Community near Westminster. A letter Friday from SC DOT official Rob Perry states the final decision was the Secretary of Transportation’s concurrence with the recommendation to remove the existing bridge, which closed to traffic April 5. […]

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Bad Creek Hydro captures award

Employees at Duke Energy’s Bad Creek Pumped Storage Hydrolectric Station in Oconee County are being honored today for their leadership in conservation and education programs. The workers are being recognized at the S.C. Wildlife Federation’s annual awards banquet for their involvement in Trout Unlimited’s “Scoutin’ for Trout,” and National Hunting and Fishing Day events, as well as an education program […]

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Gun Shop crowds greets Congressman

Congressman Jeff Duncan, an NRA member and advocate for gun control rights, is hearing today from Oconee County residents as part of his Second Amendment listening tour. Duncan attracted a crowd of around 75 at the Gun Shop on Walhalla’s Main Street. And he told 96.3/WGOG NEWS said he’s in Washington, fighting for people’s rights, not just the right to […]

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NRC places Duke on notice

The NRC has placed Duke Energy on official notice of what the government watchdog agency considers an apparent violation of Duke’s failure to achieve enhanced fire protection measures at the Oconee Nuclear Station. “This apparent violation is being considered for escalated enforcement action in accordance with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Enforcement Policy,” Michele Evans, Director, Division of Operator Reactor […]

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Graham hammers on Hagel

Chuck Hagel may have what it takes to win nomination as next the Defense Secretary, but he faces a challenge from Lindsey Graham. At yesterday’s Senate Armed Services hearing, Graham hammered at Hagel from several fronts. As released by Graham’s Washington office, excerpts of their exchange are being carried today on 96.3/WGOG NEWS.

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CU wellness and fitness center on the lake

Clemson University trustees gave concept approval yesterday for a new outdoor wellness and fitness center on Lake Hartwell, west of the central campus. The facility is to include about 16 thousand square feet of climate-controlled activity and support space and about 15 thousand square feet of unheated space for outdoor-covered programming. The trustees acted as part of a meeting in […]

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Mountain Rest PO changes

Mountain Rest postal customers left their community meeting with the anticipation window hours will be reduced. They can bank, however, on at least having a community post office for the indeterminate future, though a postal official at the meeting cautioned that all post offices are under review. Bryan Cramer of the USPS announced the results of a community survey for […]

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Two questions to be answered in updated study

The second part of a Savannah River Basin study to be undertaken by the Army Corps of Engineers is designed to answer two questions: How low can reservoir releases be before irreversible harm is done to the economy and environment? And how long can releases be kept at the lowest recommended level? “Many people eagerly seek answers to these questions, […]

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