Fire confined to bathroom

The Walhalla fire chief says the residents of a modular home that caught fire are fortunate. This morning’s fire on the Highlands Highway was confined to a bathroom and traced to a heat lamp, according to Chief Doug Kelly. At the time, no was home. A passerby, bound for Walhalla, discovered the fire and alerted 9-1-1.  

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Rain is nemesis to Sheep Farm’s final touches

In spite of delays caused by rainfall, the new Sheep Farm Road near Seneca will likely open to the driving public one day next week, according to the DOT resident construction engineer. Because of how rain has interfered with the completion of the project in recent weeks, Ryan Miller is reluctant to predict the exact day or moment. Yesterday Miller […]

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New “blood” needed”, Honea and Heller believe

Fair Play’s Ryan Honea says, for him, two years as chairman of the Oconee Planning Commission is satisfactory—-and he will not offer for a new term next week when the commissioners elect new officers. The agenda for Monday’s 6 o’clock meeting at the County Administrative Complex in Walhalla calls for the election of a chairman and a vice-chairman. Honea shares […]

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Tech to train baby boomers for new careers

Displaced workers 50 years old and above have a chance to gain new skills—the result of a $15 thousand grant awarded to Tri-County Technical College. Tri-County was the only South Carolina technical college chosen in the latest round of grants for the Plus 50 Encore Completion Program. The program is a national effort to train 10 thousand baby boomers for […]

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Adult crowd today in school cafeteria

Oconee’s public school students are free of the books and classrooms today, as today is set as an in-service day for teachers across the school district. At 11:30 this morning, the cafeteria at West-Oak Middle School will host the annual chambers-of-commerce “State of Oconee”, an event full of speeches about how well the county is doing to keep and attract […]

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J-ROTC keeps Gold Star rank

As result of its annual formal inspection, the cadets of Walhalla High School’s Junior ROTC keep their Gold Star Rank, with an overall score of 97.5. The Walhalla cadets enjoy the highest possible rating—-Honor Unit with Distinction. After a briefing by the staff, Cadet Batallion Commander Brandy Turpin led the inspectors to the gym where all cadets were inspected in […]

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WCA in need of roof work

Walhalla Civic Auditorium hopes an Oconee County Accommodations Tax grant is the answer to its roof problems. The roofs over the stage, the auditorium, and the Green Room are all in need, according to Bill Chiusano, auditorium business manager. WCA today formally requested of the A-TAX board $30 thousand. The A-TAX board will vote next week on all requests for […]

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