Seneca road work going to bid

A project to re-make a section of a lengthy street in Seneca goes to bid in two weeks, according to an announcement this morning by a city official. Mike Greenman told Oconee’s state transportation committee that contractors’ bids for work on N. Townville Street are due by Thursday, August 1. Greenman says there will be widening and strengthening of the […]

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State funds OK’d for OC and Westminster

At a Walhalla meeting this morning, South Carolina “C” Fund money was approved for Oconee County and the city of Westminster. The county’s state transportation committee, chaired by Sam Dickson, took the action. At the request of Mack Kelley, director of Oconee Public Works, the committee granted $408 thousand—the estimated cost of more than five thousand tons of asphalt that […]

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Hydrologist Stan Simpson has a busy job!

As water manager for the Savannah District Basin, Stan Simpson has one of the busiest jobs in the region. The hydrologist keeps track of just how much water is filling the three reservoirs run by the Army Corps of Engineers. The corps’ latest declaration calls for outflows at the Hartwell Dam to increase from 15,000 cfs to 16,620 cubic feet […]

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Botanical Garden reopens, seeks volunteer help

Most of the S.C. Botanical Garden has reopened and seeks volunteer help to clean up the garden after the weekend flooding caused heavy damage. “The only area remaining closed indefinitely is the Natural Heritage Garden, which is the heart and soul of the garden,” said Patrick McMillan, director of the Botanical Garden. The Natural Heritage Garden shelters more than 1,000 […]

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Building owners’ lawsuit nears trial

A lawsuit by the owners of a condemned Seneca building approaches a trial date in U-S District Court. Federal Judge Tim Cain heard pre-trial motions this month in the case of Michel and Efford Haynes against Auto-Owners Insurance Company. The building, now owned by Haynes, years ago served as the home store for Harper Brothers, who operated a chain of […]

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Father’s appreciation to OC Sheriff’s Office

An Oconee father today expressed public appreciation for what’s called the fine investigative work from the county Sheriff’s Office that reunited him with his children. The four girls have been returned to the custody of Bob Bennett. The girls’ mother, Laverne Bennett, was placed in custody in Idaho and faces charges of custodial interference. An announcement by Bob Bennett’s attorney, […]

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Walhalla and Westminster to get political

Political fever will soon run through both Walhalla and Westminster. Those two Oconee County municipalities hold elections this year—each of which will take place November 5. This year Walhalla holds two elections simultaneously. One, to fill an unexpired term on the city council. The other is a general election to fill three other seats. On November 5, Westminster voters select […]

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“An opportunity with a private developer”

Oconee County apparently has an opportunity with a private developer interested in the Golden Corner Commerce Park in Fair Play. After an executive session, the county council last night authorized its administrator to proceed with negotiations. Administrator Scott Moulder declined to reveal specifics, but said the possibility arose as the result of the go ahead for a sewer service line […]

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The skinny on Streetscape

The showing of a 3-D concept video of how Streetscape might look in Walhalla generated questions and comments during a mayor and city council-sponsored meeting last night at the Depot. That video and opening remarks made by Mayor Danny Edwards elicited mostly favorable reaction by about 35 members of the public—including merchants and downtown building owners. The evening ended with […]

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