Seneca may have found a tenant!

Seneca may have found a tenant for its industrial park complex on the grounds of the former Pro Pex Plant on Shiloh Road. At its meeting tomorrow, the board of directors of the Seneca Facilities Corporation will take up “one or more lease agreements” involving property at what is commonly referred to as the Seneca Rail Site. City officials await […]

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Beauty to reign supreme!

Golden Corner Pageants presents a triple crown pageant this weekend in Walhalla. The evening, called “Let’s Rock”, begins at 7:30 Saturday night at the high school. Winners will represent South Carolina’s Golden Corner in the Miss South Carolina USA and Miss South Carolina Teen USA Pageant in November in North Charleston. Eleven contestants are entered in the Miss Division, including […]

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Fill out a ballot for Seneca!

Even if you don’t ride a “CAT” bus, Seneca wants your opinion as to the color scheme that’s selected for its fleet of electric buses. Seneca has contracted with a company to make the electric buses, but now’s the time to select their colors, according to Riley Johnson, Seneca Events Coordinator. Johnson says you can go to You get […]

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Tax-free weekend in two weeks!

A tax-free weekend will soon greet consumers buying back-to-school supplies, clothes, household items and computers. South Carolina’s 14th annual Sales Tax Holiday begins at 12:01 a-m Friday, August 2 and finishes at midnight Sunday, August 4. According to an announcement by the Oconee School District, the county’s classroom teachers will receive a $275 check for classroom supplies on the first […]

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Website values return for a CU degree

A website’s list on the rate of return for someone with a college degree shows that Clemson graduates get the highest return on their college investments than those at other colleges and universities in South Carolina. ranked the top colleges in South Carolina with low net costs in tuition and fees whose graduates have the highest lifetime earnings when […]

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ROW acquisition starts this month

The state this month begins right-of-way acquisition to allow for improvements at the tricky junction of S.C. 59 and 24 in the Crossroads Community. Senator Thomas Alexander and Representative Bill Sandifer are told in a letter from DOT Traffic Safety Engineer Brett Harrelson that additional rights-of-way will be needed to make way for adding left turn lanes on 24 and […]

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Emergency Department soon to be its own patient

Soon some patience is going to be required of Oconee Medical Center’s emergency department. The time draws near for the start of a 12-phase renovation of the emergency section of the hospital. Pat Smith, vice president for patient care, says the work is to be undertaken in 12 separate phases, with nurse’s station the first phase to begin a week […]

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Patient numbers down and income is reflected

The consuming public simply has little time for going to the hospital in summer, and Oconee Medical Center’s financial ledgers for June are reflecting that. Kevin Herbert, finance officer for OMC, told the board of directors the budget writers were off the mark in June. “Our total consolidated net revenue was about $864 thousand under budget,” he said last night. […]

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Vote possible tonight on tax plan

A committee of the Oconee County Council gets a presentation tonight on a new capital one-cent sales tax plan. The council’s Budget, Finance and Administration Committee is reserving the option of taking a vote on whether to propose the tax as a referendum in the 2014 General Election. The committee meets at 6 at Pine Street.

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Oconee’s weather gets wilder!

 You just have to stay around awhile for Oconee’s weather to get wilder—from Sunday night’s severe thunderstorm warning to last night’s tornado warning. Oconee County Dispatch reports some sightings of tornadoes last night, but no confirmation of anything that touched down. Before last night’s storm, a car wound up in a creek on the Coffee Road about a half mile […]

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