Woman charged with Seneca bank bomb threats

The police have arrested and charged a 31-year old woman with telephoning two bomb threats to the Seneca branch of South Carolina Bank and Trust. Melissa Ann Barksdale of the Shiloh Road was arrested yesterday on warrants charging her with telephoning the bank twice the morning of May 28 and claiming a bomb was in the By-Pass 123 bank. According […]

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Company to invest $1 million in Seneca

A company will invest $1 million  and create five new jobs in Seneca. The company is called COE Optics, described as a leading provider of optical research and development solutions. The five jobs are to be highly-skilled research intensive positions, according to an announcement by the office of Oconee Economic Development. “We are grateful for the support we have received […]

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Church hires new youth director

Walhalla’s St. Luke United Methodist Church filled its part-time position of Youth Director with the hiring of Lydia Dever—a mother of three children, including twin girls. Dever began work July 1, just in time to take part in the Salkahatchie project in Bamberg. Each summer the youth of St. Luke join other youth groups around the state to help rebuild, […]

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Libraries uneasy over new assignwent

Oconee libraries are uncomfortable with a new duty that the chairman of the county board of trustees describes as having been suddenly put to them. It’s that role of being a connection point for those applying for state unemployment benefits. The matter came up during this week’s meeting of the library trustees, according to Chairman Danny Day. The problems the […]

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Fire fighters shuttle water in training exercise

Members of four rural Oconee County fire departments took part last weekend in a training exercise in which they shuttled water from one location to another. Having the ability to quickly transport water, according to Oconee Fire Chief Charlie King, is essential in areas where no or few hydrants exist. The focus of last Saturday’s training for the Fair Play, […]

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One-cent tax ballot-bound

Members of Oconee County Council now have a timeline for a capital project one-cent sales tax proposition to land on next year’s General Election ballot. Art Holbrooks, county strategic planner, gave the members of the council’s budget and finance committee a list of dates to meet to qualify a one-cent sales tax as a referendum in November 2014. Look for […]

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Dexter gets combative about GCCP

During a committee meeting last night, Oconee County Councilman Reg Dexter complained about what he sees as a further delay in extending sewer service to the Golden Corner Commerce Park. Dexter made no secret of his displeasure after County Administrator Scott Moulder reported that the state Department of Commerce won’t release funds for one portion of the project until another […]

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Roof work at Seneca City Hall

A three-day project to repair the roof at Seneca City Hall will prevent parking in front of the building. On Thursday, two spaces in the front parking lot will be blocked off. On Friday, the entire front parking lot will be off-limits, along with the drive next to Old Town Hall. On Saturday, the entire back parking lot will be […]

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A daylight home burglary near Westminster

A day-time home burglary near Westminster is being investigated by the Oconee Sheriff’s Office, with help from family members of the victim. The burglary occurred late yesterday morning on Wisteria Drive near U-S 76. According to the investigating officer’s report, a family member reacted quickly yesterday by removing the keys from the ignition of a suspect vehicle left on the […]

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