Prisma Health’s choice is Mark S. O’Halla

The Prisma Health board of directors announces the selection of Mark S. O’Halla as the health company’s new president and chief executive officer (CEO). O’Halla, along with the members of the executive leadership team, have the following marching order: advance the health company’s goal to create a better state of health in South Carolina by improving clinical quality, the patient […]

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Hot air balloons make their way across the Oconee sky

The annual Helen, Georgia to Atlantic hot air balloon race is underway, and Oconeeans don’t have to go anywhere to witness some of the spectacle.  At least two hot air balloons were seen across the Oconee sky this morning between Westminster and Walhalla.  Competitors from throughout the country each year fill the sky over Helen with color–all of this a […]

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A mobile, skilled trade effort just what’s needed–McKee

A Carolinas’ organization of contractors and others in construction-related fields says state funding soon will allow for an 18-wheeler that will serve as a mobile, skilled trades workshop. And that’s just what Carolinas AGC says is needed to showcase skilled trades at schools, football games, and fairs. “When high schools stopped having dedicated shop classes, the exposure to hands-on skilled […]

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Anderson woman is a $250 thousand lottery winner

A scratch-off lottery winner in Anderson has won $250 thousand dollars.  The South Carolina Education Lottery announced the winner bought her winning ticket at the Anderson Quick Stop, which is in line for a $2,500 commission.  The lottery quotes the winner as saying that when she told her husband, his first words were:  “I’m getting a new truck.”

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Wrongful death claim set for June trial

A wrongful death claim that alleges medical malpractice is set for trial during next month’s term of the Oconee Common Pleas Court. The plaintiff in the case is an Anderson County woman, as the personal representative of the estate of Ana L. Perez, who died in the Oconee hospital in 2012. Besides the hospital, there are five other defendants—including two […]

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Oconee Opioid Response Committee in action!

The first community event by the Oconee Opioid Response Taskforce to address what’s considered an opioid epidemic will take place next week in Seneca.  It’ll be a two-hour event, from 6 to 8 o’clock Tuesday night at the Northside Elementary School, that will feature discussion of the epidemic, treatment and prevention, and followed by a community resource fair.  During the […]

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Historic site to host frontier encampment Saturday

In these contemporary times, there’s still at least one place you can go in Oconee County for a glimpse and understanding of what it was like in the years after the American Revolution. Back then Oconee Station was a frontier outpost. These days it is an official state history site, and this Saturday there will be a frontier encampment. Re-enactors […]

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200th anniversary of Pendleton church founding

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Pendleton will celebrate the 200th anniversary of its founding Saturday, June 8, 2019, from 11 AM – 3 PM. The event features guided tours of the church and churchyard, live music, ice cream, cookies, and lemonade. The public is invited to attend this free event. Featured musicians are local artists Tony Tidwell & Jennifer Goree. […]

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Short term rental rules headed to Seneca meeting table

From the planning commission to the city council. That’s the route that rules governing short-term rentals in Seneca are taking. City Administrator Scott Moulder told the mayor and council that a new set of rules have been reviewed by the planning commissioners and the city attorney and will soon be placed on their table for consideration. Provided conditions are met, […]

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Sooner than later sewer refunds recommended

If a committee vote stands, the three member cities of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority will get their sewer refunds amounting to millions sooner than later. Seneca’s member of the JRSA finance and administration committee, Scott Moulder, told 101.7/WGOG NEWS the committee agreed yesterday on a recommendation to make the refunds to Seneca, Walhalla, and Westminster of reserve monies about […]

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