Car break-in nets handgun for thief

A thief took a black semi-automatic Taurus 380 handgun from a car parked on Marcengill Road near Westminster. The vehicle was unlocked and the gun was believed to have been in the glove box. The theft points up the need for a reminder from Oconee Sheriff Mike Crenshaw. He said, “The Sheriff’s Office advises all of our citizens to not only lock their vehicles, no matter if they are at home, on vacation or shopping. Along with that, make sure to remove any valuable items from your vehicle, such as firearms, electronic items, wallets, cash or checkbooks….” The Marcengill Road vehicle break-in is believed to have occurred Saturday, August 4. If you have any information that could help solve the crime, call Crimestoppers. If your tip leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for cash reward.