Sixteen new COVID cases in the public schools

Sixteen new cases of COVID are reported within the Oconee School District, effective Friday, January 8.  Six of the cases are students at the Seneca Middle School; one individual works at the school. By January 3, the district reported 573 positive cases — 368 students and 205 employees.  At last report, about 75% of the district’s entire enrollment had opted […]

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South Carolinians 70-plus may now schedule a vaccine shot

Gov. McMaster and DHEC now say that starting Wednesday any South Carolinian 70 and older, regardless of health status or pre-existing condition, can begin scheduling their appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine.  State officials are confident that the majority of people in Phase 1a who want to be vaccinated have either received their shots or have scheduled appointments.  More than 67% […]

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Controlled burns ahead for the state parks

State and federal fire crews will carry out controlled burns this winter and early spring at several South Carolina state parks.  Controlled burns are planned at a number of state parks in Oconee and Pickens counties–including Devil’s Fork and Oconee state parks in Oconee and Table Rock and Keowee-Toxaway in Pickens.  Regular controlled burns reduce hazardous forest fuels that cause […]

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South Carolinians 70 and older can schedule appointments for vaccine

Governor Henry McMaster and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced that beginning Wednesday, Jan. 13, any South Carolina resident aged 70 or older, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions, can begin scheduling their appointment to receive COVID-19 vaccine. Based on COVID-19 vaccine data — doses received, administered, and appointments scheduled — South Carolina officials […]

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Clemson U. frontline workers roll up their sleeves

Front-line workers at Clemson University classified phase 1a received COVID-19 vaccines  through a partnership between the university and the Medical University of South Carolina.  Among those receiving vaccines are Clemson Rural Health clinicians and team members; Healthy Me-Healthy SC Rural COVID Screening Teams; Redfern Health Center medical personnel and staff; School of Nursing Faculty, staff and students involved in direct […]

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COVID death toll in Oconee reaches 73

By 11:59pm Friday, the running count of Oconee County deaths due to the COVID-19 virus had reached 73.  Early in the counting, Oconee’s neighbor to the west, the smaller county of Stephens County, Georgia, was running a higher death count than Oconee.  That, however, has changed, as the latest shows 50 Stephens County deaths.

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Two sewer meetings postponed

The Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority’s two meetings planned today have been postponed.  Postponed are the regular January meeting of the JRSA commissioners, as well as the annual get together of the member cities.  “These meetings will be re-scheduled as soon as possible,” the announcement states.  No reason given for the postponement.

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Oconee records 100 cases in 24-hour period

An even 100 new, confirmed COVID-19 cases are reported in Oconee County.  Those cases appear on the latest DHEC report, issued Sunday, and they apparently represent a one-day high for the county, since the pandemic was declared.  The report shows an additional 3,667 cases statewide, along with 48 more deaths, including that of an elderly Oconeean.  That county resident’s death […]

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