West Union sewer talks

The Joint Regional Sewer Authority is in talks with West Union as to who would respond if there were ever an emergency involving the sewer lines in the small Oconee County town.  West Union’s workforce couldn’t handle a major problem. Because the town borders Walhalla, the thought at yesterday’s meeting of the JRSA board is that Walhalla would be the […]

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Compounding sewer troubles

For one year, the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority has retained an outside attorney to defend itself against a series of overflows.  The mishaps are considered an alleged violation of state health regulations and the JRSA is under an enforcement order with the state’s regulatory Department of Health and Environmental Control. The JRSA’s policy board learned yesterday that its treatment […]

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A return to city hall meetings?

  Have COVID-19 numbers of late decreased to the extent that it’ll be safe for the Walhalla mayor and council to move their meetings back to city hall?  Months back, the city council abandoned their small meeting room in city hall for larger meeting space in the community depot across town.  Poor acoustics, however, make it hard for some to […]

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Charges placed against a 39-year old Oconeean

The Sheriff’s Office has identified an Oconee man as the 39-year old who was arrested Saturday during a domestic violence investigation.  The charges against Jason Marvin Crowe are kidnapping and domestic violence first degree, according to the sheriff’s office announcement.  A deputy conducted a welfare check on Crowe Drive in the vicinity of High Falls Road after the receipt of […]

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Tech tuition freeze

Tri-County Technical College (TCTC) Commission approved a freeze today for in-county tuition rates for the 2021-2022 academic year. This is the second year in a row that Tri-County has not raised its in-county tuition rates.  Tech says its rates are the lowest of any technical college in the Upstate and the second lowest in the S.C. Technical College System.   […]

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Volunteer fire department solicits donations

The  Corinth-Shiloh Fire Department is recruiting volunteers and soliciting funds to carry out its mission to serve and protect a large swath of eastern Oconee County.  In a letter to community residents, the fire department says it lost a number of long-time volunteers in the last year,  but new recruits are taking courses for fire and medical certifications.  Financially, the […]

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Will a “vaccine passport” become a requirement?

U-S representatives in South Carolina are imploring the state’s governor to do what he can to forbid the idea of “vaccine passports” taking hold in the state.  It’s a concern not only confined to South Carolina, but in other states, as well, where there’s concern that travel groups might insist travelers prove that they’ve been inoculated against COVID-19.  Among those […]

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Latest COVID-19 numbers

According to the report issued Saturday by South Carolina DHEC: There were an additional 632 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Carolina, including eight in Oconee County.  Statewide:  13 additional deaths.  Of 25,045 test results, the South Carolina positivity was 3.5%.

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