Wife accused of firing shot at husband

A 43-year old woman has been jailed in Oconee County on the accusation that she fired a gun shot at her husband, as he was walking away from a domestic fuss at their Tamassee home. The incident is alleged to have occurred late Tuesday night. Investigating officers quoted William Darrell Trull as saying he heard the gun shot pass by […]

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“Same President, Same House, Same Senate”

A South Carolinian first, a Republican second is how a political analyst at an Oconee County meeting today described his bent as he Monday morning quarterbacked what happened Tuesday across the country. Chip Felkel runs a computer and consultant company and serves as a political analyst for a Greenville TV station. Before the Oconee Alliance, Felkel spoke of the millions […]

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Swear ’em in!

The public is invited to Walhalla for the swearing-in of three re-elected Oconee School Board members. Rosemary Bailes in District Two, Denise McCormick in District Four, and Buddy Herring in District Five all ran as unopposed ballot candidates in Tuesday’s elections. The trustees take the oath of office at 6 Monday night at the district office. Bailes, McCormick, and Herring […]

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Retreating to Asheville’s Crowne Plaza

All members of the Tri-County Technical College Commission are are asked to assemble this weekend at Asheville, North Carolina’s Crowne Plaza for a commission retreat weekend of meetings. Sandwiched around dining spots, such as the Pro’s Table and Carmel’s Restaurant, the Tech commissioners are to be busy hearing a report from Dr. Ronnie Booth, college president, and on topics such […]

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Salem town business tonight

The official business for the town of Salem is to be transacted at 6 tonight at Town Hall, as the mayor and the council hold their November meeting. Among the matters on the agenda is the November 13 special election to fill a council seat. Brad Norton, town attorney, has requested part of tonight’s meeting to be held privately for […]

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Death on the highways

A midnight hour rollover accident took the life of a 35-year old Westminster woman. At the request of the woman’s family, her name is being withheld until late this morning to allow additional family members to be located and notified. The accident occurred around 12:20 a-m in Blackjack Road, about two-tenths of a mile from south highway 11. Coroner Karl […]

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Exactly what happened?

Two separate Oconee County audiences are to be treated today to an analysis and conjecture of what caused Americans to vote as they did on Tuesday in the 2012 General Election. At 8 o’clock this morning at Thrift Development near Seneca, political analyst Chip Felkel will speak to the Oconee Alliance on the topic, “What Happened.” The meeting is open […]

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But who won the write-in?

Those leaving Oconee County election headquarters late last night knew that Mike Crenshaw unofficially received enough votes to become Sheriff-elect, but no one seemed to know who won a write-in vote to serve on the county Soil and Water Conservation Board. 96.3/WGOG NEWS learned that Joy Brooks, elections director, was working this afternoon to determine which write-in candidate received the […]

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College Application Month

The Seneca High School Guidance Department encouraged students to apply to at least one college during College Application Month in October. The senior class responded by completing 409 college applications, with 92% of the class completing at least one. The guidance department hosted college admissions counselors. Students were able to hear a presentation from each admission counselor and able to […]

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Let bygones be bygones

During the campaign Wayne McCall, as the maverick member of Oconee County Council, made known his differences with two of his colleagues running for re-election. But now that the results are in, McCall has extended an olive branch to both Joel Thrift and Reg Dexter. He called both Thrift and Dexter this morning to offer his congratulations. McCall has taken […]

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