Guaranteed maximum price on the way

The much-anticipated guaranteed maximum price to build the new Walhalla High School is to arrive at the Oconee School Board in February or March. At that point, according to Dr. Mike Lucas, county superintendent, the trustees would act in March or April, and the actual construction would start “no later than May.”  Lucas says, “Everything is on go with regard […]

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Three months later, still talking about it

In the November election, the Oconee County voters approved a binding referendum that gives county government greater flexibility when it comes to using public funds for sewer purposes. Three months after the vote, public officials are still talking about what it’ll mean. And Bob Winchester made reference to that during last night’s annual meeting of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority. […]

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Sparring over the debt ceiling

Judging by their remarks, President Obama and Congressman Duncan are light years apart on what’s needed to avoid the potential of February 15  as the day government may not be able to meet its bills. Obama yesterday said Republicans in Congress have two choices. “They can act responsibly, and pay America’s bills, or they can act irresponsibly and put America […]

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Chaplain was a shining (Mc)Knight

For one dozen years, the Rev. John McKnight dutifully served as a chaplain at Oconee Medical Center, helping to bring spiritual relief to those in physical discomfort. And, for service as the longest-serving hospital chaplain, the Oconee Chaplains Association honored McKnight during a ceremony yesterday at the hospital. The Rev. Mark Nelson, association president, said McKnight is highly-deserving of praise […]

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Seneca puts it on the record

Seneca’s drive for additional seats on the policy-making board of the Joint Regional Sewer Authority apparently will now play out in the individual council chambers of the member-cities. What loomed as the potential for an open fight failed to materialize during the JRSA annual meeting. As expected, Seneca attorney Michael Smith made Seneca’s request official. Seneca requested the authority board […]

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Fire control upgrades still under review

NRC correspondence, dated late last week, seems to suggest the federal nuclear watchdog is growing impatient with Duke Energy’s request for more time to meet new regulations covering enhanced fire-monitoring and suppression at the Oconee Nuclear Station. At issue, whether Duke should be allowed two additional years. In a summary of a November teleconference between the NRC and Duke, John […]

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Deliveryman robbed in Seneca

The police in Seneca say a suspect was jailed in their investigation of a late night armed robbery of a pizza deliveryman at an address that turned out to be an abandoned home. The pizza restaurant deliveryman told the police that he was held up in the front yard at 708 S. Stribling Street by an individual pointing a small […]

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Two public appearances

Oconee’s state lawmakers make two public appearances this evening: one in Westminster, the other in Seneca. The delegation’s annual public meeting takes place at 5 at the Depot in Westminster. From 6 to 7 tonight in Seneca, the lawmakers will be special guests for a legislative round table at the monthly meeting of the executive board of the Oconee Republican […]

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Big pay day headed OC’s way

Oconee appears headed toward a big pay day. The check from Duke Energy to cover its Oconee County holdings for the tax year 2012 is expected to arrive at the county Treasurer’s Office before Wednesday. For 96.3/WGOG NEWS, Auditor Ken Nix calculations show the county’s top taxpayer must pay $27,044,493.86. According to county tax officials, to avoid a three percent […]

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