Injured Oconeean now home

After a recent car crash, an 18-year old Oconee woman has returned home to familiar surroundings. Emily Whitten’s loved ones are hoping she is on the way to recovery, from her serious ordeal. It was a week ago that Whitten lay in the neuro intensive unit at AnMed after being ejected from a vehicle. Her parents are Kate and Scott […]

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Four additional teachers make the grade

Four more Oconee public school teachers have completed the stringent National Board process. The additions of Chandra Black of Fair-Oak Elementary, Kelley Smith of Keowee Elementary and Katherine Elliott and Brandy Head, both of Walhalla Middle School makes 102 Oconee teachers National Board Certified. They receive incentives, including up to $7,500 a year pay raise for every year they teach […]

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Junior Leadership tomorrow

Leadership Oconee, for young adults making their way in the business world, has generated a second such program for high schoolers. And Junior Leadership begins tomorrow, according to Jim Gadd of Oconee Alliance. The inaugural class will be made up of 16 students. All are in their junior years. Tomorrow will be devoted to education and history. And its Gadd’s […]

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Georgia couple plead guilty

The government says two Georgia residents who together facilitated the storage and distributions of cocaine for customers in Upstate, South Carolina pleaded guilty yesterday in federal court and await sentencing. According to an announcement by the U-S Attorney, John Melvin Cannon pleaded guilty to conspiracy to launder money and Kasondra Cannon pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the possession of […]

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Business burgled near Seneca

Oconee sheriff’s officers have opened an investigation of an office burglary last night at Hunnicutt’s Recycling, Old Clemson Highway, Seneca. Having occurred some time during the night, the burglary was discovered this morning. The burglar or burglars apparently pried open a window and took a container of money from the cash register.  

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Veterans Assistance Center to open

A group of student veterans at Clemson is opening a center on campus to help other veterans navigate the transition from the battlefield to campus. The Student Veterans Association will cut the ribbon Friday to open the Student Veterans Success Center and GI Bill Help Desk in Barre Hall room 229. Michael Daduk, executive director of Student Veterans of America, […]

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50 jobs may not sound like a lot but….

A county adding 50 jobs over a year’s time may not sound like a whole lot. But, as Oconee’s Richard Blackwell sees it, it’s a whole lot better than the corresponding numbers that apply to Oconee’s Upstate neighbors. Blackwell, the county director of economic development, is calling attention to a legislative committee meeting yesterday in Columbia that disclosed Upstate counties […]

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Bruce Yandle’s state of the economy

Economist Bruce Yandle’s view is that the U-S economy is stumbling and slow, yet somewhat stronger. And the Dean Emeritus of Clemson ‘s College of Business and Behavorial Science sees optimistic signs that point to an expansion of the economy, from the depths it fell during the last recession. Those signs include the pickup trucks he sees pulling into Bountyland […]

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A promise from the Congressman

Out of fear that President Obama will issue an executive order on gun control, Congressman Jeff Duncan says, “I will use every means at my disposal to combat the agenda of the Executive branch to undermine our Second Amendment rights. I will also fight any legislative action that is taken to implement more gun control….”

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At Rotary today!

At today’s Seneca Rotary Club meeting, President Eric Cope presents a check to Larry Sechrest of Volunteers in Medical Missions on the project that Rotary sponsors this May in the Central American country of Honduras. Sechrest will make a presentation on the water filtration system to be installed, with Rotary’s help.

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