Legionnaires own their building

For the longest time it was thought or assumed that the city of Westminster owned the American Legion building on Lucky Street. But the city administrator says a title search revealed the Legion Post the owner, even though the city has been paying the utility bills. After an executive session, the city council voted last night to propose that, in […]

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Car window smashed and purse taken

Forty-five minutes after a store employee parked her car in front Applewood shopping center, someone broke the driver’s side window and stole a purse. That purse contained credit cards and other financial documents. A co-worker noticed the broken car window and alerted the victim. The Oconee County Sheriff’s Department is investigating.

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Halfway home

The academic year in the Oconee public school system has passed the halfway mark. As noted by Superintendent Mike Lucas, the 90th day of instruction was completed yesterday. The final day of the year is scheduled June 6.

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Echo Hills makes the grade

Oconee’s economic development recruiter, Richard Blackwell, announced yesterday that Echo Hills, an industrial park in phase one preparation, has made the grade to be a suitable location for a call-data business center. Blackwell says his office has been able to convince two site consultants that Echo Hills on highway 11 is a viable location for a data center. Such a […]

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Let’s talk about it!

Major projects are underway at the Oconee Nuclear Station, and the NRC wants to talk about them. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will send staff to the Oconee Nuclear Station this month for a meeting, part of which will be open to the public. The meeting takes place 1 to 4 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, January 30 at the World of Energy. […]

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Duncan tries to strip money for lawyers

Congressman Jeff Duncan failed to get his way, but he had his say. Duncan co-sponsored an amendment to the Sandy Relief bill for a 1.6% across the board cut to discretionary spending, but the amendment was defeated 202-217. The Third District Republican took to the House floor to inveigh against a provision in the hurricane relief bill that would pay […]

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A Walhalla-Oconee County consolidation

Walhalla has taken a decision to consolidate its building codes office with that of Oconee County. Mayor Danny Edwards calls it a money-saving move and insists it has nothing to with the recent controversy over a staff decision to deny a zoning variance to remodel the Keowee Courier building. According to Edwards, John DiIonno, who had held the dual role […]

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Abbeville Sheriff indicted

An indictment charging the Abbeville County sheriff with misconduct in office has been returned by the State Grand Jury. The announcement was made this afternoon by Attorney General Alan Wilson. The charge against Sheriff Charles Goodwin is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 10 years in prison. According to the Attorney’s General announcement, the indictment alleges Goodwin demanded and received […]

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