Testimony completed

Fifteen witnesses testified. Hundreds of exhibits were placed on the record. Closing arguments are scheduled tomorrow morning in Plateau Excavation against Oconee County and Talbert and Bright. Once the judge lays out the law to the jury, the jurors will have the case and begin deliberating in their private room. At stake is whether Oconee and its former airport consultant […]

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Trial winding down

A civil engineer from Columbia is testifying as the last witness in the two week old lawsuit trial in the Oconee Common Pleas Court. Once John Johnson’s testimony is complete, Judge Lawton McIntosh is expected to instruct the jury to report tomorrow morning for the start of closing arguments. Johnson told defense lawyer Stephanie Burton that in his review of […]

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Pro-like cycling experience headed to Oconee

A big cycling event is headed for Oconee County next month—attracted, in part, by the distinction of one of “50 of the World’s Last Great Places” that National Geographic bestowed on the county two years ago. The Road Titans 300 is set for Friday through Sunday, November 7-9. The cyclists will embark on an ambitious ride on roads passing waterfalls, […]

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Deputy graduates from academy

Oconee deputy sheriff Jamie Hellams graduated last week from the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy and is ready to join the county’s road patrol on its Bravo shift. Hellams is a 2006 graduate of Walhalla High School and holds an associate’s degree in criminal justice from Tri-County Technical College. He worked in private business and for Oconee County at the […]

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Ashton receives promotion

Walhalla Fire Department has announced the promotion of a part-time fire fighter to a full-time position as city fire marshal. Chief Doug Kelley told the mayor and council this week the position goes to James Ashton. Assisting Ashton as deputy marshal will be Kevin Kisner.

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Work at Clemson intersection

The City of Clemson has contracted King Asphalt to mill the pavement and re-stripe the intersection of highway 123 and College Avenue. The project begins at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon and will continue through the night until finished. One lane will remain open in both directions, however caution is advised during the work.

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Ebola preparedness announcement

The Medical University of South Carolina and the South Carolina Board of Health and Environmental Control hold a news conference at 10 this morning in Columbia to discuss the state’s preparedness should Ebola patients present in South Carolina.  DHEC yesterday issued a public health order for a statewide health preparedness network to provide essential email communications to a central database […]

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Duncan calls for visa suspension

Congressman Jeff Duncan is calling for the temporary suspension of visas for individuals traveling from areas of West Africa impacted by the Ebola virus. The suspension would last until the outbreak is under control. Duncan, chairman of a Homeland Security subcommittee, joined the chairman of the full committee to ask both the Homeland Security Director and the Secretary of State […]

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“Shouting match” at job site

A witness testified today he heard a shouting match at the project to extend the Oconee Airport runway when a contractor attempted to lay a test pave to extend the airport/taxiway in 2010. Alan Smith, project manager for co-defendant Talbert and Bright, will return to the witness chair at 2:15 this afternoon to be cross-examined by the plaintiff’s side in […]

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