It’s “Project Skill”, not “Project Ticker”

Our earlier story about the project to acquire a campus of Tri-County Tech for Oconee, the Economic Alliance office code-name for the project was incorrect. We reported it was “Project Ticker.” In fact, it is “Project Skill.” Director Richard Blackwell’s report for this month says this about Project Skill: “Continuing to work on this ‘educational’ aligned project. Site has been […]

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Blackwell responds to call for “net jobs” info

At this week’s meeting of Oconee County Council, a citizen during public comment registered a call for an explanation from the county’s chief recruiter for economic development. Richard Blackwell of Oconee Economic Alliance says he was listening and today provided information about how announcements of promised jobs square with jobs lost to layoffs or plant closings. He sought to dispel […]

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April announcement ahead for Oconee economic projects

The secrecy surrounding an Oconee economic development project code-named “Project Mold” will be lifted in early April, according to an announcement made today by the director of the county’s Economic Alliance.  Richard Blackwell predicted that Oconee County Council will give final reading to the project April 7 and it’s likely an official announcement will follow the next day by the […]

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Pre-trial hearing for co-defendant Cobb

A magistrate has decided there’s probable cause to bind over the state’s case against a second defendant, Andy Steve Cobb, in the stabbing death in January of Jeremy Little in Walhalla. Cobb, charged with accessory after the fact, appeared alongside his attorney, for a pre-trial hearing before Magistrate Will Derrick. Cobb’s attorney, Suzanne Earle, argued that Cobb was an unwilling […]

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Michelin decision delayed until 2015 second quarter

Whether Michelin builds a distribution center in Oconee County will be a decision to be announced during the months of April, May or June. Richard Blackwell, executive director of Oconee Economic Alliance, continued a tone of optimism today for the prospects of Michelin locating in the Golden Corner Commerce Park. But he told the alliance board of directors that a […]

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Court ruling upholds South Carolina’s open primaries applauds a decision this week that dismissed a lawsuit by the Greenville Republican Party seeking to close South Carolina’s system of open primary voting. After the state party withdrew from the case, the Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit decided that the Greenville Republicans did not have standing. According to—a national association of independent voters and defender […]

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Prescribed, or controlled, burnings called essential

The prescribed, or controlled, burns that turned sunny Oconee County days this week into a maze of grey may be annoying, but they are considered essential for the stewardship of natural resources and the protection of lives and property. At the request of state, federal and non-government land management organizations, Governor Nikki Haley has proclaimed this month Prescribed Fire Awareness […]

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Combining Seneca boards of government

Seneca is giving thought to combining a couple of its boards into one. Ed Halbig, planning and community development director, the idea that has been discussed is combining the board of zoning appeals and the board of architectural review into one board. Each one, he says, has a quasi-judicial nature to it. There are other similarities, as well.  Board members […]

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Radio auction returns to 96.3/WGOG

Radio Auction returns to the air here on 96.3/WGOG tomorrow, and you are invited to take your chance on bargains available locally. The auction airs live tomorrow morning 9 o’clock until noon. You can prepare by obtaining a bid number in advance by contacting us here at the station. You can get a glimpse of the items for sale by […]

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Virginians arrested on drug charges near Seneca

A 9-1-1 hang up call Wednesday sent Oconee deputies to an address in the Keowee Community. That call to Burkett Road led to a traffic stop on Keowee School Road and the eventual arrest of two men on drug charges. According to the Sheriff’s Office announcement, warrants obtained yesterday afternoon charged Meghan Allyn Wilson of Axton, Virginia and Shannon Grey […]

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