Clemson doctoral student is a world traveler!

Clemson University doctoral student Christie Sampson frequently travels to remote regions of the world to reduce the conflict between humans and wild animals. Sampson has worked and conducted research throughout the United States on wolves and on humans and elephants in Sri Lanka and, most recently, in Myanmar. This month, her research on wildlife tracking will be part of an […]

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Sheriff hopes April will be the month

Oconee Sheriff Mike Crenshaw is hopeful April will be the month that he is able to finish his investigation of the one-half million dollars worth of drug money that went missing from the Sheriff’s Office over a two-year period that began six years ago. By completing his investigation, which amounts to a new look at the case, Crenshaw intends to […]

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Hipps death investigation at standstill

Six months afterward, law enforcement’s investigation of how a Clemson student fell to his death while on a run near the campus is at a standstill. And the circuit solicitor has announced that with all leads exhausted the Tucker Hipps’ death is now assigned to the unsolved crime unit of the Oconee Sheriff’s Office. In a statement late yesterday, 10th […]

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Light plane down

 A small plane, believed to be a light aircraft, has crashed into the woods near Walhalla not far from Just Aircraft on the Duck Pond Road.  From the scene, two injuries have been reported and medical helicopters have ordered to fly the injured to Greenville hospitals, according to Charlie King of Oconee Emergency Services. Late word:  one of the injured […]

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Football coach departing?

Talk in Seneca is that the Bobcats are losing their head football coach, Gene Cathcart.  96.3/WGOG NEWS is being told that Principal Cliff Roberts and Steve Hanvey, assistant county superintendent, are at work on a news release to be issued by early tonight.

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Westminster traffic accident

A car, a Jeep, and a pickup collided late this morning near downtown Westminster. Two people reported hurt, including an 85-year old woman. The police say airbags deployed in two of the wrecked vehicles. The accident occurred on E. Main and Dickson Street in front of the NAPA store.

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Senate has plan for the roads, also

Last week you may have heard State Representative Bill Whitmire of Walhalla describe the version of the House plan that he likes the best to help fix South Carolina’s road problems. The one Republican Whitmire likes lowers the gas tax, but creates an excise tax as a way to raise needed funds. But the other chamber in Columbia, the Senate, […]

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No coroner’s inquest and attorney OK with that

  96.3/WGOG NEWS has learned that a decision has been taken to not hold an Oconee coroner’s inquest into the death of Tucker Hipps.  And we have reaction to that decision from Druanne White, attorney for the Hipps’ family.  “We certainly wouldn’t oppose that (a coroner’s inquest), but on the other hand we will be engaging in depositions and doing […]

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Hipps’ toxicology findings negative

Part of the $25 million dollar lawsuit filed on behalf of the parents of the late Clemson student Tucker Hipps includes a state police toxicology report. The report, dated October 9 and three weeks after Hipps’ death, showed the student had no alcohol or illegal drugs in his system. The student’s parents have named as defendants Clemson University, the fraternity […]

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