Chamber leader to take retirement

Long time chamber of commerce leader Vanessa Penton will leave her post at the end of November, according to Nathan Farrar, chairman of the board of the Oconee Chamber of Commerce.  Farrar says Penton is retiring and, as he put it, “She’s done a great job.  We will miss her.”  Three years ago, Penton became the first executive director of […]

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No more county involvement in local health care forseen

Another county-operated free health clinic would be expensive and duplicate already existing services County Council members argued Tuesday. A proposal to the Oconee County Council’s Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Health and Welfare Committee on Tuesday by committee chairman District 2 Councilmember Wayne McCall that the county install a grant-funded free health clinic in the now empty county health department building […]

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One more meter reader will help do the trick

A committee of the Walhalla City Council will recommend the hiring of an additional full-time meter reader to help over-burdened staff churn out water bills quicker. And that, believes Mayor Danny Edwards, will help get bills into the hands of customers sooner before late penalties apply. But that’s not the entire solution, as explained during city’s utilities committee meeting. Scott […]

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Turning trash to cash

Could the waste in Oconee’s construction and demolition landfill be used to generate power, potentially producing a revenue stream and prolonging its landfill life? One Oconeean thinks so and the County Council is interested. Matt Durham, of Mountain Rest, floated the idea yesterday to the Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Health and Welfare Committee, that much of the landfill’s waste intake […]

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Forestry Commission issues statewide burning ban

With the approach of Hurricane Dorian, the South Carolina Forestry Commission will issue a State Forester’s Burning Ban for all counties, effective at 7 o’clock this morning. A State Forester’s Burning Ban prohibits all outdoor burning, including yard debris burning, campfires and burning for forestry, wildlife or agricultural purposes in unincorporated areas. While open-fire cooking is not included in the […]

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Heavy equipment moves to Jocassee Hydro this week

The first of two, 150-ton transformers will be transported on Thursday to the Jocassee Hydro Station. The transformers will be hauled by truck from West Union to Jocassee in The second transformer is currently scheduled to be moved next week. During the heavy equipment moves, traffic on Highway 11 and Jocassee Lake Road through Devils Fork State Park will face […]

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Labor Day crime victimizes Oconee School District

Law enforcement authorities believe a 26-year old man from Oconee’s Keowee Community broke thru a fence at the public schools’ vehicle maintenance facility and stole a Suburban. The Sheriff’s Office reported the arrest Labor Day morning when the Suburban driver could not produce a driver’s license. The charges against Anthony Michael Griffin are grand larceny and malicious injury to personal […]

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