Walhalla to explore audio-visual City Hall monitors

Besides his political bombshell, David Underwood held court for much of the start of last night’s Walhalla City Hall meeting. Reading from a long, handwritten statement, Underwood deplored what he said is unruly behavior by a small number of disgruntled utility customers who come to City Hall to pay their bills. Yelling and cursing are uncalled for, he said. Bearing […]

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Resolution to re-zoning flap attainable, mayor believes

On the one hand, Walhalla can use new housing, but some city residents don’t want anything that could de-value their properties. Mayor Edwards chimed in with the opinion today he’s confident meetings of all involved can temper the Tyre B. Mauldin Street controversy and settle the controversy for all to accept. The mayor today said he’s had meetings with developers […]

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Edwards to seek re-election

Walhalla seems to be moving in a new direction, and there’s no shortage of men who want to guide the city during the next four years. Mayor Danny Edwards made known this decision: “After a lot of thought, today I’m announcing that I will seek a 3rd term as mayor. If the voters of Walhalla agree, I hope to continue […]

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May two council members be sued individually?

The question that echoed inside an Oconee courtroom today was whether two county council members may be sued as individuals, as part of the slander and wrongful death claim filed by David Stokes, the former county building official. Judge Lawton McIntosh promised all sides his decision as soon as he can read certain written materials that have been submitted alongside […]

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36 first-year teachers to start their Oconee careers

Thirty-six, 1st-year teachers are undergoing three days training to prepare for the new Oconee County public school year August 19. They are “fantastic” in the view of Al LeRoy, the director of human resources for the school district.  Among what’s being thrown at the new hires:  “the Induction Teacher year-long program, district instructional initiatives, resources, student data accessibility systems and […]

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Seneca High bands under new direction

The music played by the Seneca High School bands in the new school year will be heard under a new director.  The school today announced Tyler Scarabino as the new band director.  He moves to Seneca after his recent post as director of music at Clifdale Elementary and percussion coordinator at Boiling Springs High School.  Scarabino’s wife, Makayla, will teach […]

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Regulator acts against Oconee earthen dam owner

An enforcement action against the owners of an earthen dam in the Oconee County community of Tamassee is on the agenda for this week’s meeting of the South Carolina DHEC commissioners in Columbia. The Fiddler’s Cove Property Owners Association faces a penalty of $21,400 along with the requirements of a consent order prepared by the DHEC staff. Citing the South […]

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Memorial cross placed in front of WGOG

A small cross placed in front of WGOG memorializes the fatal shooting of a man in front of the radio station 50 years ago. Members of the family of the late Robert Lee Lawing Jr. of Westminster are remembering their  their loss. It was 50 years ago last week that Lawing was fatally shot, and the Sheriff’s Office made a […]

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Re-zoning hearing called off at 11th hour

Walhalla officials late yesterday afternoon announced the cancellation of a re-zoning hearing that has drawn opposition from neighbors in the vicinity of Tyre B. Mauldin Street. An announcement by Daniel Fletcher, zoning administrator, states, “Season’s Builders has requested time to make modifications to the proposal based on feedback received. The hearing will be re-scheduled at a later date.” Fletcher referenced […]

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